American Pardons vs. Canadian Pardons
In Canada Conservative’s and Liberals’ have different views on the value of a pardon.
I might sound like a broken record but I just have to say one more time how fair and just Canada’s pardon program seems in comparison to the biased system of our neighbours to the South. If there was ever an example of political favouritism the American presidential pardon system must certainly lead the list.
I cannot understand how the President of a country can be expected to administer a pardon based on those who deserve it, rather than those who are owed a favour. I have always tried not to be a pessimist in life but I also try not to ignore the realites of human nature.
Imagine for a moment, say George W Bush, preparing a list of people deserving a pardon. Does anyone in their right mind think that list would be based on anything other than political favouritism? No of course not. Just saying so would be simple let alone trying to defend the position.
So as much as I dislike the inefficiency of government bureaucracy I have a stronger dislike for injustice. And although Canada’s pardon program can be along and tedious at times the fact that it is administered in a fair manner makes me happy because I am quite sure that if I ever needed an American pardon I don’t think my world popularity rank would get me onto the President’s list anytime soon.