According to one of their former clients Canada Wide Pardons and Waivers is now out of business.
Apparently this company went the route of Express Pardons and could no longer afford to keep the doors open. It is a shame that these companies are able to take people’s money and run without any consequences.
Canada Wide Pardons and Waivers is Out of Business
I imagine this company was a very small operation since I have never heard of it before. I’ve been paying obsessively close attention to the industry for a long time now. Part of this is just because it’s my responsibility as a business owner. But part of it is because the industry has become a market for scams and incompetence. I am a fan of neither of those things.
On the contrary, I am extremely proud of the service we offer here at the National Pardon Centre and it bothers me to no end to see these companies open up, take people’s money, and then leave without any repercussions whatsoever.
Such is the nature of business I suppose. As my father used to tell me: BUYER BEWARE!
The image below is a screenshot of the BBB listings for Canada Wide Pardons and Waivers. As you can see the highlighted section shows that the phone number has been disconnected. It’s typically a bad sign.
If you have any questions or concerns or feel that you have been misled by another pardon and waiver service feel free to give me a call.