Express Pardons – Out of Business
Considering Express Pardons is out of business I found the youtube ad below very misleading. Express Pardons should honour its money back guarantee and refund all of the money that was taken from people. Unfortunately the reality is that all those people are unlikely to ever see a dime.
For the record, I believe the first person in the video is Jared Church, founder of Express Pardons. It may not be of any help to you but I think it’s important for people to know who they are dealing with.
There is little doubt that Express Pardons exaggerated claims about its services. Considering the final outcome of the company, their claims went well beyond dishonesty.
Below is the Express Pardons advertisement promising a money back guarantee. See for yourself.
Express Pardons – What Now?
I realize that anyone who dealt with Express Pardons is probably feeling jaded by the pardon and waiver services industry. But I promise you we are not all bad. Many of the pardon services are run by well intentioned people who are just dealing with a government program that is difficult to navigate.
If you have dealt with Express Pardons and have lost hope in ever getting a pardon or a waiver I ask you to give me a call.
I cannot promise you a pardon or waiver overnight. I can’t even guarantee I will get you one. But that’s only because the government agencies involved in granting a pardon or a waiver provide no guaranteed criteria.
What I can promise is that I will deal with you honestly. I will not sell you things you don’t need. I will not make silly claims about pardons being eliminated. I will not mislead you.
What I, and the people working at the National Pardon Centre will do is treat you as you expect to be treated. And we we will do everything possible to get the outcome you deserve.
Michael Ashby
National Pardon Centre
514.842.2411 x 227