Fingerprinting for a Pardon

Often our clients are confused about the fingerprinting procedures for a pardon / record suspension application. Since their fingerprints were taken during the arrest they often wonder why their fingerprints need to be taken again.

Fingerprinting for a pardon is strictly for identification purposes. When you are arrested the fingerprints are taken on criminal fingerprinting forms for the purpose of recording your arrest in CPIC. In contrast when you have your fingerprints taken for the purpose of a pardon they are done to match the fingerprints on file in CPIC and ensure that your identity has not gotten mixed up with someone else’s.

Since your fingerprints are unique it is impossible (or extremely difficult) to get a false match. Therefore when a match is made the identity if confirmed and the criminal record – or lack thereof – can be released to the individual or third party making the information request.

Essentially non-criminal fingerprinting is a safe and reliable way to ensure your identity is correctly matched. This is why fingerprinting is commonly used for anything for workplace background checks to immigration and pardon applications.

For more information:

Pardons Canada Information

What is fingerprinting?

What is CPIC?

What is criminal record?

National Pardon: