What to watch out for: part 3

I would like to advise my clients and the general public that the National Pardon Centre is committed to maintaining the highest level of service and commitment to our clients which is not offered by other institutions. Please be aware that the website referred to in the image below is in no way affiliated or associated with the National Pardon Centre. This website may be in violation of federal trademark laws and we are currently exploring all legal remedies to have it removed.

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Mr. Peter Dimakos is the owner of the URL attached to this website. Mr. Dimakos works with Canadian Pardon Services, a small company operating in Toronto. I can only speculate into Mr. Dimakos’ motives, but it is our resolve that all remedies will be pursued to ensure our trademark is respected and to ensure that our clients and the public are not confused between the National Pardon Center and any other entity.

I apologize if anyone has experienced any trouble with this site and would like to add that if you are looking for a trustworthy company to handle your case please contact us at the  National Pardon Centre. We provide free consulations and we give honest trustworthy counsel.


Michael Ashby
Communications Director

Categories: Criminal Records
National Pardon: