We are happy to announce that the National Pardon Centre is now providing walk-in services. Clients can once again drop by anytime during business hours. An appointment is not required.
We are open 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Since the Covid pandemic began we have done everything possible to keep our doors open and our services available to the public.
In order to comply with public health measures we suspended our walk-in services to avoid over-crowding in our waiting room, thereby reducing the risk of exposure for our clients.
With the pandemic restrictions finally coming to an end we are very excited to announce the return of our traditional business model.
We are also happy to say that we recorded no Covid infections resulting from our services.
Whether you need a pardon, a waiver, or a set of fingerprints, you can simply come to our office at your convenience. There is no need to call ahead. However, please be sure to have TWO pieces of government issued identification available. Your ID does not need to be issued by a Canadian government.