Nicole Levesque Receives Alumni Honour

Congratulations to Nicole Levesque Director of the National Pardon Centre for receiving the Allison Roach Alumna Award from Branksome Hall. To give you a little bit more background the National Pardon Centre was founded in September 2002 by Nicole and I after about a full year of business preparation to get all the details sorted out. Since that time its grown into something much more than we every imagined.

In 2011 the entire pardon program was presented with a major challenge when the Conservative government revealed its intention to dramatically alter the pardon program. We are still working to reverse those changes today and we hope that the Liberal government will agree with us.

But in the meantime the National Pardon Centre continues to operate and Nicole and both honestly believe we run the best pardon and waiver service in Canada. We are also one of only 6 direct connect clients of the RCMP accredited to be a fingerprinting services provider.

If you have any questions for Nicole or comments you can reach her at


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