NPC Pardon and Waiver Technology: We are not on Twitter

Update: We are now on twitter. #LOL

It has been a long time since we won our information technology award from CIPA. Since then we haven’t stopped working hard to be the best pardon and waiver service in Canada. But since that award was granted the National Pardon Centre has certainly not been stagnant, especially not in the area of technological innovation.

We achieved RCMP accreditation making us one of the only pardon and waiver services able to offer this crucial step in the process. We have also invested in a new VOIP phone system to better handle calls between our offices.

Essentially we have done everything possible to ensure that we are at the forefront of any technology that help us better serve our clients. But I am also happy to say that we don’t jump on a band wagon just because the band is playing loudly. You will see that we are NOT on twitter; not because we dislike twitter but because there is nothing in the day to day business of doing pardons that needs to be “tweeted” (did I say that right?). Twitter is great, or can be I’m told but it is not for us. We would rather focus our energies on doing what we do best: Canadian pardons and US entry waivers. That’s what we do and we do it very well.

So give us a call if you need help. We would be happy to clear things up for you.


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