What Does Bondable Mean in Canada? How Being Bondable Helps You Get Hired
Why Does “Are You Bondable?” Appear On Job Applications?
Being bondable is something you’ll see when applying for jobs. In many fields, employers require the people they hire be bondable before they can move ahead with hiring. Knowing if you are bondable matters because this tells any job you are deemed “trustworthy”. Hiring is a risky proposition and being bondable acts like a guarantee that you are a safer bet.
Am I Bondable? Why Do Employers Care?
The quick answer is that if you are asking this question, you are bondable. When you are bondable, any future employer is ensured and protected in case of the following while you work for them:
- You engage in any fraudulent behaviour
- You act in a dishonest fashion
- You participate in any criminal activities of any kind
When you are bondable, you are deemed to be reliable and someone that can be trusted. The main thing being bondable means when applying for jobs is you do not have a criminal record. If you do have a record, you can apply for a pardon, and this will help you become bondable down the line.
What Jobs Require Me to Be Bondable?
The quick answer is any position that deals with people, money or any kind of sensitive information. Here is a list of jobs that require you to be bondable:
- Any work in vulnerable sectors (Shelters, teachers, taxi drivers, nurses)
- Service jobs where you interact with the public
- Employment that has you directly handling cash (Financial sector, banks)
- Jobs that provide access to sensitive company/client data
The reality is most jobs require you to be bondable, meaning it’s very important to start taking steps to become bondable if you are not. There are many factors that play into this, and while being bondable is preferred, it is possible a future employer is willing to pay the higher premium for your bond.
Since employers have to offer insurance, each new hire comes with a fee. The cost associated with your policy is greatly impacted by whether or not you are bondable. This means most employers will choose bondable candidates.
What is “Bondable” Anyway?
You may be wondering where the term bondable comes from. Bondable takes the idea of a bond and applies it to a person. Let’s take a look at the main definitions of the word bond:
- A relationship between two entities based on shared mutual interest.
- A connecting force between two surfaces or objects.
- A legally backed agreement offering insurance when services are not rendered as promised.
- Criminal bonds are when a sum is paid as part of an agreement a person will appear in court.
When it comes to your job, a bond is a question of insurance. Being bondable gives your company protection in the event they suffer loss because of any fraudulent behaviour. You can think of it as something your workplace needs to worry about when managing insurance policy costs.
If you are bondable, it shows that up until now your behaviour has been respectable. There is no good reason to assume you may be a risk to create circumstances that require an insurer to pay out.
Are you eligible to be bonded?
If you are wondering if you are bondable, you probably are. Losing your bondable status is a result of something drastic, here are the most common reasons:
- An active criminal record
- A poor credit/tax history
- Payment delinquencies
The main thing being questioned is usually if you have a criminal record. When employers can access records of your past charges and convictions, it becomes the biggest obstacle most face when becoming bonded. Thankfully Canada allows for pardons services that will seal your record, starting the journey to become bondable by making your past a private affair.
A pardon, formerly called a record suspension, will remove your criminal record from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). This doesn’t erase your past, but it does help make you bondable, giving you greater employment and education opportunities.